5 Configuration of the Dante Network
IT-400DTM is configured as a receiver in the
Dante network by means of the program “Dante
Controller”, available as a free download on
the website of the company Audinate . The set-
tings made via the program will be saved in
the corresponding transmitters and receivers of
the Dante network so that the program is only
required for network configuration but not for
normal operation .
Via the following Internet address, down-
load and install the program “Dante Controller”
on the computer on which the program is to run:
https://www .audinate .com/products/software/
5.1 Configuration of the device with the
Dante Controller
1) Start the Dante Controller .
2) Wait for the desired Dante transmitter and
IT-400DTM to appear in the matrix (under
“Receivers”) .
If IT-400DTM or one of the devices fails to
appear, the reason may be that
– the corresponding device has not been switched
– the device is in a different subnet
– the device is not able to synchronize with the
other Dante devices .
However, if one of the two last-mentioned reasons
applies, the Dante device should at least appear
under the tab “Device Info” or “Clock Status” in
the “Network View” window . It may solve the
problem to switch the device off and on again or
to disconnect and reconnect the LAN connection .
For further information please refer to the user
manual of the Dante Controller from Audinate .
3) In the menu bar of the Dante Controller, se-
lect “Device / Device View” or use the short-
cut Ctrl+D . The “Device View” window will
open .
4) Select “IT-400DTM” in the drop-down menu
appearing in the bar beneath the menu bar .
5) The third bar can be used to indicate infor-
mation on the device and to make settings .
Select the tab “Device Config” (
fig . 3) .
6) In the field “Rename Device”, the name used
for the device in the Dante network can be
changed (e . g . to a specific name referring
to the place of installation) . Click “Apply”
to confirm the change .
7) Adjust the “Sample Rate” to the desired
Dante transmitter or set a different common
sample rate for both devices, if required .
8) Use the tab “Network Config” to change the
network settings for the Dante interface of
IT-400DTM, if required .
5.2 Routing with the Dante Controller
In the “Network View” window under the
“Routing” tab, the transmitters of the Dante
network are arranged in columns and the re-
ceivers in rows . The transmitting and receiving
channels of the devices can be assigned to each
other via this matrix .
1) Click on the
in the column of the desired
Dante transmitter to display its transmitting
channels and click on the
in the row of
IT-400DTM to display its receiving channel
fig . 4) .
2) Navigate from the column of the desired
transmitting channel to the row of the re-
ceiving channel of IT-400DTM and click the
field at the intersection point .
3) Wait for the field to show a green circle with
a white check mark
An English user guide for the Dante Controller is
available for download on the Audinate website:
https://www .audinate .com/learning/