4.3 Keys
The Pakyak E+ comes standard with two identical keys that fit the battery lock and the
storage box lock. Keep one of the keys with the key number tag stored as a spare. Write
down the key number and keep that stored together with the bike's frame number and
other documents.
• Always bring the key when visiting the dealer for maintenance or repairs.
• Without the key, a locked battery and/or storage box cannot be opened/
removed without damage.
• Make sure you always have at least one spare key.
• It is recommended to get an extra spare copy of the key.
• A qualified locksmith can make a duplicate of the original keys.
• Store your key number and spare key(s) in a safe yet accessible place.
4.4 Riding range
Riding range can be difficult to predict accurately. A higher capacity EnergyPak will
provide a higher range when all other factors are the same. But in practice there are many
factors that influence energy consumption, and they can vary greatly. An understanding of
how particular factors will affect energy consumption, together with experience, will help
to optimize the riding range and start your trip with confidence.
4.4.1 Factors that affect range
The range on one charge strongly depends on several circumstances, such as (but not
limited to):
• The total vehicle weight including the rider, passengers and cargo loaded onto the bike.
• Weather conditions, such as ambient temperature and wind.
• Road conditions, such as elevation and road surface.
• Bike conditions, such as tire pressure and maintenance level.
• Amount of charge and discharge cycles.
• Age and condition of the EnergyPak.
• Bike usage, such as acceleration and shifting.
• Assist level(s) used.
• User assist level settings (by smartphone app).
• A new EnergyPak might not yet report the power level very accurately. This
will improve after a few full cycles of discharging (by riding) and recharging.
Bike usage