To switch between Animation mode and Configuration mode, push and
hold button the LEFT TOP Keypad On/Off button for about 1 second and
release. Pushing this button toggles back and forth between these two
modes. The LSC II will not react to a very quick push. If your push is too
long the LSC II will switch back and forth. After a few tries you will get the
hang of it.
There are two pairs of “number” LEDs on the top of the LSC II. On the left
is the number of the selected Port. When you switch to configuration
mode this will always start at “1”.
To change the port number, push the Up or Down black buttons
on the left side top of the LSC II.
On the right side are the two digits that represent the configured
special effects behavior. There are 99 built-in special effect
options, plus “0” (zero) which is OFF for that port. See the chart.
To configure a Port to behave with a specific special effect, select
the port number on the left and then select the behavior number
on the right side.
Press the
button once to save this to the LSC II. The digits
will blink indicating a successful save. The setting is saved even
when power is turned off or disconnected.
You can change the setting as many times as you want.
Remember to press Save.
To see the behavior, switch back to Animation mode.
To adjust the brightness of any Port, switch the LSC II into
Configuration mode. Press the Right-side button on the top
once. You will see decimal points on each displayed digit of the