Prepare Terminal Strip Sub-Assembly:
For ease of construction, the Terminal Strip sub-assembly is built before mounting in chassis. Refer
to fi gure 2 for proper placement of components. Place parts with component leads secured to solder lugs
as described, but do not solder connections until all parts are connected. When soldering connections with
transistor or diode leads, use the heatsink to prevent component damage. Place transistors so they hang
sideways off the terminal strip on the side closest to the potentiometers (transistor-leads should be parallel
to chassis bottom). See fi gures 2 and 4.
Mount one transistor each to lug #1, lug #2, and lug #3 with fl at side facing up. Trim leads. Do not solder.
Mount the other transistor to lugs #5, #6, and #7 with fl at side facing down. Mount the 82K resistor (gray-red-
orange) to lug #3 and lug #4. Trim leads. Do not solder.
Mount one of the 10kΩ resistors (brown-black-orange) to lug #4 and lug #5. Trim leads. Do not solder.
Mount the other 10kΩ resistors (brown-black-orange) through lower set of holes in lug #2 and lug #7. Solder
lower holes only of lug #2 and lug#7. Trim excess leads.
Strip and tin a 1 ½” piece of hookup wire and connect to lug #3 and lug #6. Trim excess wire ends. Solder
lug #1, lug #3, and lug #6. Use the heatsink when soldering transistor leads. Do not solder the other lugs yet.
Mount the Terminal Strip sub-assembly using supplied hardware (lug #1 to the left of the chassis).
(in lower holes)
Figure 2: Top view of terminal strip sub-assembly
Mounting Additional Components:
Solder 10μF Electrolytic Capacitor to Lug #2 and Lug #3 of the 1kΩ Potentiometer. Negative(-) lead of
the capacitor connects to Lug #2. Allow ½” extra lead to extend through Lug#3 and make contact with fi led
patch of the back cover of the potentiometer. Solder both lugs. Solder the extended lead to the potentiom-
eter’s back cover. Trim excess component leads.
Identify banded end of each diode and twist the leads together so the diodes are in parallel, but facing
in opposite directions (banded end of one diode is twisted together with non-banded end of the other. See
fi gure 3). Connect the diode pair to lug #1 and lug #3 of the 10kΩ potentiometer. Do not solder lug #1 yet,
we will make another connection here later. Allow the extra component lead to extend through lug $3 and
make contact with the potentiometer’s back cover as was done with the capacitor in the previous step. Sol-
der lug #3 and the extended component lead to the potentiometer back cover. Use heatsink when soldering
diode leads. Trim excess leads.