Step 7 – Mount the Output Transformer (TR2)
Drawing 3
shows where to mount the output transformer P-T31.
A) Hold the transformer up above the chassis and push the wires through their respective grommet holes as
indicated on the drawing.
B) Place the transformer on the chassis so that the mounting holes line up with the transformer feet.
C) Use #6 mounting hardware to fasten the power transformer in place.
SECTION 2 – Mounting of Front Components
Please refer to D
rawing 4
Step 1 – Mount the Lamp Holder
Drawing 4
shows where to mount the lamp holder. Be sure to mount it so
that its solder lugs point towards the bottom opening of the chassis box.
(Once the lamp holder is mounted you may screw in the bulb and then the
Step 2 – Mount the Power Switch
Drawing 4
shows where to mount the power switch. Be sure to mount the power
switch with its solder lugs directed toward the bottom opening of the chassis box.
Step 3 – Mount the Controls
Drawing 4
shows where to mount the bass, treble, and volume pots.
Remove the two nuts and two flat washers from the 250K
Bass and Treble pot bushings. On each pot put one nut on the
bushing, turning it all the way down on the bushing.
Put one of the 3/8" lock washers on the bushing, then mount
the pot to the front panel with all lugs facing up.
Place one of the flat washers on the bushing followed by the
remaining mounting nut and tighten. (Keep the remaining flat
washers as one will be used in the next step).
Symbol used in the layout drawings to show the switch
and potentiometer terminal connections simultaneously.
DPDT switch
Pot lugs used
Treble and Bass:
Remove the nut from the bushing leaving the black lock washer on the bushing.
Bend back the small mounting tab on the side of this pot so that it does not
interfere with mounting.
Bend back mounting tab
Put one of the flat washers from the previous step on the bushing followed by the nut, and tighten.
Put one of the 3/8" lock washers on the bushing and mount the pot to the front
panel with its solder lugs facing up.