Please note the Green and Blue Icons as shown on the left
and right headers above.
When pressing the Green Icon, the user will be able to add
a MX- Beacon that’s from others (not your “Own” or
“Original” Beacon that came with the Bracelet). They are
referred to as “Reference Beacons”. In order to add the
Reference Beacons you need to know the Beacon ID first
and then it be given a nickname (i.e. - living room) to add
it to the list for creating safer boundaries.
When you press the Blue Icon, the user can add the “Own”
or Original” Beacon or the Beacon that came with Bracelet.
The Beacon ID and password which was provided at time
of purchase will need to be entered.
Remember if the Login has been forgotten or there is
logging on to the portal, please check with the authorized