following figure, to trigger the Bracelet to report its
current location. After the “Current Location” button is
pressed, the button will turn into a timer bar. If the timer
bar runs to the end and times out, it will pop up a window
with message “(Bracelet name) Get current location time
There are a few reasons why the system times out
and they are as follows:
The Bracelet was out of the GSM cellular
service area, such as in a basement,
underground garage or subway; or
The Bracelet did not receive the GPS signal
due to limited or very low battery life.
4.5 History
On the dashboard, please go to “History”. Click on the
Bracelet from the list on the left. The user will be able to
see the Bracelet’s history locations including a breadcrumb
trail as well as the warning history on the specific date
selected from the calendar displayed.