To set the PCW sensitivity level perform the following steps:
1. Press the (
) button four times. This will change the system mode into “PCW
Sensitivity” configuration mode. The red “Pedestrian” icon will flash at a very slow
phase (dim inn and dim out) and the PCW level should be displayed by the right
digit of seven segments.
2. Press the “+” and “-” buttons to increase or decrease sensitivity.
If you decrease the PCW sensitivity, PCW alerts will be issued when you
are closer (in time and distance) to the pedestrian in front.
10.2. Increase/Decrease Volume + / -
Option 1
: The Increase and Decrease volume buttons on the display unit let you select
between 6 volume levels (levels 0 to 5). Press the “+” button to increase volume, and
the “-” button to decrease volume. When you change the volume level of the system,
the selected volume level will be displayed on the alphanumeric display, and a short
audio alert will be played to demonstrate the selected volume level.
Option 2:
The Camera/Buzzer Unit also has a volume control button that lets you
select between six volume levels for audio alerts (levels 0 to 5). Press the “+” button to
increase volume, and the “-” button to decrease volume. When you change the volume
level of the system, a short audio alert will be played to demonstrate the selected
volume level.
The LDW and the HMW uses all six levels, while the FCW uses only levels 3 to 5. Thus,
reducing the volume to 0 disables the LDW and HMW audio alerts, but only reduces the
intensity of the FCW alert to level 3.
You can turn down LDW and HMW audio alerts by lowering the system
volume (volume level "0"). FCW volume can be decreased, but only down to a
certain minimum at which it still can be heard (volume level "3"). This is because
an FCW warning is always an emergency alert that requires a driver reaction.