Mobilex A/S
Grønlandsvej 5
DK-8660 Skanderborg
This user manual contains a description of the medical device and important guidances to ensure a correct and
safe usage of the product. It is important prior to use to read this manual carefully. It is especially important to
read the safety requirements and follow these.
We continuously develop our products and we reserve the right without further notice to change the specifications
and functions of products.
Intended use of the device
The Mobilex MobiglideTransfer board is made to help disabled persons with the transfer from one sitting surface to
another. The models 240501, 240502, 240507 and 240701 are made of polypropylene and the model 240505 of
By questions please take contact to your dealer or directly to Mobilex A/S.
Mobilex A/S
Grønlandsvej 5
DK-8660 Skanderborg
Phone: +45 87 93 22 20
+45 87 93 17 77
Safety requirements
Make sure that this user manual is read by all persons using the device. Manufacturer doesn’t take any
responsibility for damages and/or injuries, caused by the fact that the user manual has not been followed.
Only use the product in flawless condition.
If defects or errors are detected you must immediately contact the dealer.
Follow the information on the product label.
Only use the product for the described purpose.
Only use the product for the intended purpose. Do not step up on the device. It is not recommended to use the
transfer board without previous training by a healthcare professional. Attempting a transfer without the tavolestance
from a professional is not recommended. The boards should not be used to support more than the allowed max. user
weight. Prior to use always inspect the board for signs of wear. Do not use the board if it appears weakened. Be sure
the board is securely in place before putting weight on it. The open space between the two sitting surfaces (e.g. from
wheelchair to bed) may not be larger than 20 cm.
Instructions for use
Position one end of the board under the user's body and the other end on the destination surface. Check that the
distance between the two sitting surfaces is not more than 20 cm and position the board so that it supports the full
body weight during the transfer. The smooth surface of the board is best suited for clothed transfers. For bare-skin
transfers a towel can be placed over the board for a smoother transfer.
Normal dirt can be removed with standard cleaning agents and a soft cloth. Do not use solvents or abrasives.
Anti-slip strips are available as accessories, which can be attached to the underside of the board to prevent it
from sliding away.
Rev. 22.04.21
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