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2. Alarm history display.
Display of the DTS 4020 alarm record, newest alarm first. The ALARM RECORD
menu pages can be scrolled through with ENTER. The ALARM RECORD menu
page can be exited with ESC.
Max. length of error report: 240 messages.
3. Current time and status display. See chapter "11 Time status information"
4. Time source information display. See chapter "6.4.2 Time source information"
5. PTP Information
6. Current network configuration display. With ENTER, a second page can be
displayed with network information.
7. DTS 4020 system information display (internal status, regulation voltage of the
oscillator..). This information is for support purposes only.
8. Product information like serial number, firmware version etc.
9. All respective software versions of the DTS 4020 components.
Status menu page 2:
DTS 4020.timebridge Moser-Baer AG
11 NTP peer state (ntpq -np)
12 NTP state (ntpq -c rl)
13 Power
14 Network Diagnostic
Press enter for next part, 99 to leave>
Path: 1 Status
11. Display of information with regard to the internal state of the NTP server.
12. Shows state of the time source for NTP
13. Power supply information (voltage) display.
14. Network diagnostic for ping and routing table information.
15. Display information of all possible PTP connections