MLB-S-BGS2-BW Terminal User Guide
Rev 1.3
If <user> is omitted the string "anonymous" is selected for <user> and <passwd>.
If <passwd> is omitted the password request is served by an empty string.
If <tcpPort> is omitted the service connects to the FTP default port 21.
If <url-path> contains only the IP address a directory listing is requested.
If <url-path> contains the IP address and has a slash '/' appended a detailed directory listing is
"type": [a)scii | i)mage | d)irectory]
"mode": [u)nique | a)ppend | d)elete]
"u)nique" selects the FTP Store Unique command to create a file name unique to the current
directory. If the file name is assigned by the server then the "^SIS" URC will appear, indicating
<urcInfoId> 2100 and the file name.
"d)elete" clears given 'element name'.
If "mode" is omitted "replace mode" is default setting.
HTTP client URL
Length: 6...255
"http://<server>:<port>/<path>" or "http://<server>:<ort>/<path>" if profile is configured for
secure connection (see value "secOpt" below).
<server>: FQDN or IP-address
<path>: path of file or directory
<port>: If parameter is omitted the service connects to HTTP default port
Refer to "IETF-RFC 2616".
SMTP server address (string).
Length: 4...256.
6. POP3
POP3 server address (string).
Length: 4...256.
Optional parameter for HTTP method "Post".