MLB-S-BGS2-BW Terminal User Guide
Rev 1.3
1...1460: Fixed PDU size in bytes.
Option "port":
0: Port number will be assigned from service (default).
-1: defines the local port number for the UDP client.
2. Transparent service
- Transparent TCP client
- Transparent UDP client
- Transparent TCP Listener
Supported Options:
- "timer": The parameter configures the Nagle algorithm, which is used in transparent access
range: 20...[100]...500 milliseconds in steps of 20
- "etx": Specifies the character used to change from transparent access mode to AT command
range: 1...15,17...255 (16 is not allowed because it is used as DLE (0x10))
If value is not set no escaping is configured, thus requiring ++ or DTR ON-OFF
transition for changing to AT command mode. If value is set, the transmitted bytes are parsed
for the DLE (0x10) character followed by the specified <etxChar> value. If both characters are
found the service returns to AT command mode without transmitting these two bytes. This
behavior differs from +++ handling, where +++ is transmitted over the air.
If you wish to send DLE characters as normal text string within your payload data the
characters shall be doubled (DLE DLE).
- "keepidle": specifies the TCP parameter TCP_KEEPIDLE (see RFC1122; not for
Transparent UDP client)
range: 1...65535 seconds, 0 disabled (default)