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Form 824556
4. Insert the main suction tube into the radiator or expansion tank until it reaches the bottom.
5. Insert the rubber plug of the main suction tube into the reservoir adapter, and then insert the adapter into
the pour spout on the top of the reservoir. Ensure the tube connections are tight to prevent leakage.
6. Extract the used coolant by pumping the evacuator handle several times to create a vacuum. Once
the coolant begins to flow into the reservoir, continue to operate the pump until all the coolant has been
drained from the radiator or expansion tank.
Note: Due to varying engine fluid capacities, if the coolant
system capacity exceeds 7.7 Quarts/7.3 liters, it may be necessary to empty the fluid reservoir before
resuming the extraction process.
7. Remove the reservoir adapter from the reservoir, pour the used coolant from the reservoir into a suitable
container, then dispose of the coolant in an appropriate manner.
8. Rinse the evacuator reservoir, pump, adapter, and tubes with clean solvent or engine degreaser, and allow
them to dry thoroughly.
9. Refill the radiator or coolant reservoir with new coolant in accordance with a proper vehicle maintenance
Extracting brake fluid from the master cylinder
1. Properly park the vehicle on level ground and turn the engine off.
2. Clean the exterior of the master cylinder and master cylinder cap to prevent dirt from entering the master
cylinder when the cap is removed.
3. Remove the cap from the master cylinder reservoir.
4. Insert the rubber plug of the main suction tube into the reservoir adapter, and then insert the adapter into
the pour spout on the top of the reservoir. Ensure the tube connections are tight to prevent leakage.
5. Insert the main suction tube into the master cylinder.
6. Extract the used brake fluid by pumping the evacuator handle several times to create a vacuum. Once the
fluid begins to flow into the reservoir, continue to operate the pump until all the fluid has been drained from
the master cylinder.
7. Remove the reservoir adapter from the reservoir, pour the used brake fluid from the reservoir into a suitable
container, then dispose of the fluid in an appropriate manner.
8. Rinse the evacuator reservoir, pump, adapter, and tubes with clean solvent or engine degreaser, and allow
them to dry thoroughly.
9. After all repairs are completed, refill the brake system in accordance with a proper vehicle maintenance
Extracting power steering fluid from the power steering fluid reservoir
1. Properly park the vehicle on level ground and turn the engine off.
2. Clean the exterior of the power steering fluid reservoir to prevent dirt from entering the reservoir when the
cap is removed.
3. Remove the cap from the power steering fluid reservoir.
4. Insert the rubber plug of the main suction tube into the reservoir adapter, and then insert the adapter into
the pour spout on the top of the reservoir. Ensure the tube connections are tight to prevent leakage.
5. Insert the main suction tube into the power steering fluid reservoir.
6. Extract the used power steering fluid by pumping the evacuator handle several times to create a vacuum.
Once the fluid begins to flow into the reservoir, continue to operate the pump until all the fluid has been
drained from the power steering fluid reservoir.
7. Remove the reservoir adapter from the evacuator reservoir, pour the used power steering fluid from the
reservoir into a suitable container, then dispose of the fluid in an appropriate manner.
8. Rinse the evacuator reservoir, pump, adapter, and tubes with clean solvent or engine degreaser, and allow
them to dry thoroughly.
9. Refill the power steering system with new fluid in accordance with a proper vehicle maintenance guide.
Prior to inserting the extraction tube into the master cylinder reservoir, be sure that the extraction tube is
clean and free of any other types of fluid. Failure to do so could result in contamination of the brake fluid in
the hydraulic system and cause potential brake failure.