In most cases the engine should be overhauled when the
engine’s compression pressure is low. Other factors
that indicate the necessity of engine overhaul are as
(a) Decreased power
(b) Increased fuel consumption
(c) Increased engine oil consumption
(d) Increased blow-by gas volume through the breather
due to abrasion at the cylinder liner and the piston
(e) Gas leakage due to poor seating of the inlet and the
exhaust valves
(f) Starting problems
(g) Increased noise from engine parts
(h) Abnormal color of exhaust gas from engine after
Any one or a combination of these symptoms may
indicate that engine overhaul is required. Of the items
listed above some are not directly related to the
necessity of engine overhaul. Items (b) and (f) are more
likely to be affected substantially by
• Injection volume of the fuel injection pump
• Fuel injection timing
• Wear of injection-pump plunger
• Fitting of the injection nozzle
• Condition of electrical equipment: battery, starter, or
Item (d) above, however, requires special consideration
because decreased pressure due to wear at the cylinder
liner and the piston ring is one of the most obvious
signs that the engine requires overhauling.
The most effective way to make a decision is by testing
the compression pressure; other factors are to be
considered secondarily.
Determination of Overhaul Timing
When replacing parts, make sure to use OEM
designated parts. If OEM parts are not used,
the exhaust emission’s warranty will be
voided. New parts may be updated due to
improvement. Fuel and Exhaust system
repairs should only be conducted by an
a u t h o r i z e d M i t s u b i s h i f o r k l i f t d e a l e r.
Ta m p e r i n g o r a d j u s t i n g t h e f u e l s y s t e m
components will void the warranty and could
be in violation of the EPA regulations. The
fuel injection pump must be replaced as an