DX-VS1UE User’s Manual
(3) Ethernet Interface
Administrator can set up IP ad-
dress, subnet mask, broadcast
address, gateway address, and
DNS addresses of DX-VS1UE.
For broadcast address, admin-
istrator can set it automatically
by clicking “Get From Net-
mask” button after assigning IP
address and subnet mask.
When the addresses are not as-
signed properly, any user can-
not access DX-VS1UE from
local or remote network. Even on the local network, a user is not able to access if ad-
ministrator does not assign a proper IP address to DX-VS1UE.
This interface is mainly used for the Internet dedicated line and LAN.
MTU Size
: Depending on network type, administrator can set data packet size with this menu to use
the network effectively.
DNS Server IP Address
: This is the information required to set up the E-mail function or the FTP
function using a domain name instead of an IP address.
DNS (Domain Name System)
DNS (Domain Name System) is to map between IP address and domain name. Every
network device on the world has its IP address to be connected on Internet. And the
device is to be connected not with its domain name but with its IP address. Common
users are not familiar with IP addresses but with domain names.
If a user accesses a certain network device with its domain name, DNS server resolves the d
omain name into an IP address of the device and replies the result to the user. A lot of DNS
servers are run on Internet worldwide.