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Meaning, detecting method
Checking method & Countermeasure
No response error
Though acknowledgement of re-
ceipt (ACK) is received after
transmission, no response com-
mand is returned.
Detected as error by transmission
side when the same symptom is
re-peated 10 times with an inter-
val of 3 seconds.
The address/attribute
shown on remote control-
ler indicates the control-
ler which has detected
1) At the collision of mutual transmis-
sion data when transmission wiring
is modified or the polarity is
changed while turning the power
source on, the wave shape changes
detecting error.
2) Repeating of transmission error due
to noise.
3) Damping of transmission line volt-
age/signal due to exceeding of the
acceptable range for transmission
• Farthest
Less than 200m
• RC wiring
Less than 12m
4) Damping of transmission voltage/
signal due to improper type of
transmission line.
• Wire size : More than 1.25mm
a) Generation at test run.
Turn off the power sources of OC unit, IC unit
and Fresh Master for more than 5 minutes si-
multaneously, and make them again.
Returning to normal state means the trouble
detection due to transmission line work while
b) Check 3) and 4) of the causes left.
c) Investigate the transmission wave shape/noise
on transmission line according to <Investigation
method of transmission wave shape/noise>.
Much possibility if 6602 is generated.