Check of R.V. coil
* First of all, measure the resistance of R.V. coil to check if the coil is defective. Refer to 12-4.
* In case CN721 is disconnected or R.V. coil is open, voltage is generated between the terminal pins of the connector
although no signal is being transmitted to R.V. coil.
Check if CN721 is connected.
Is there 230 V AC between CN721
and on the inverter P.C. board 3
minutes after the power supply is turned
Replace the inverter
P.C. board.
Replace the 4-way valve.
Unit operates in COOL mode even if it is set to HEAT mode.
Is there 230 V AC between CN721
and on the inverter P.C. board 3
minutes after the power supply is turned
Replace the inverter
P.C. board.
Replace the 4-way valve.
Unit operates in HEAT mode even if it is set to COOL mode.
Disconnect connector between the
compressor and the IGBT module
Turn ON the power supply and press
the emergency operation switch
twice (HEAT mode).
Disconnect connector between the
compressor and the IGBT module
Turn ON the power supply and press
the emergency operation switch
once (COOL mode).
* First of all, measure the resistance of R.V. coil to check if the coil is defective. Refer to 12-4.
* In case CN602 is disconnected or R.V. coil is open, voltage is generated between the terminal pins of the connector
although no signal is being transmitted to R.V. coil.
Check if CN602 is connected.
Is there 230 V AC between CN602
and on the inverter P.C. board 3
minutes after the power supply is turned
Replace the inverter
P.C. board.
Replace the 4-way valve.
Unit operates in COOL mode even if it is set to HEAT mode.
Is there 230 V AC between CN602
and on the inverter P.C. board 3
minutes after the power supply is turned
Replace the inverter
P.C. board.
Replace the 4-way valve.
Unit operates in HEAT mode even if it is set to COOL mode.
Disconnect connector between the
compressor and the power module
Turn ON the power supply and press
the emergency operation switch
twice (HEAT mode).
Disconnect connector between the
compressor and the power module
Turn ON the power supply and press
the emergency operation switch
once (COOL mode).