B Check of remote controller and indoor electronic control P.C. board
Check if the remote controller is exclusive for this air conditioner.
Does the unit operate with the
remote controller?
(Not clear)
Replace the batteries. (Refer to 9-1.4.)
Press OFF/ON (stop/operate)
button on the remote controller.
Is LCD display on the remote
controller visible?
Remove the batteries, then set them
back and press RESET button.
(Refer to 9-1.4.)
Check if the unit operates with the
remote controller.
Turn ON a radio to AM and press OFF/
ON (stop/operate) button on the remote
controller. *1
Is noise heard from radio?
Replace the remote controller.
Are there any fluorescent lights
of inverter or rapid-start type
within the range of 3.28 ft.? *2
• Reinstall the unit away from lights.
Attach a filter on receiving part.
Replace the receiver P.C. board.
Assign a number of remote controller.
(Refer to 7-2.)
Check if the unit operates with the
remote controller.
Does the unit operate with
the remote controller ?
Measure the voltage between receiver P.C. board connector CN301 No.1(-) and No.3(+)
when the remote controller button is pressed.
Is the voltage approximately 4 VDC - 5 VDC?
Replace the indoor electronic
control P.C. board.
1 Look at the image of the signal transmitting section of
the remote controller through the monitor of a digital
camera or a camera phone. It is normal if the LED
of the signal transmitting section lights up when the
OFF/ON (stop/operate) button on the remote control-
ler is pressed. However, it may be difficult to see the
illuminated LED of the signal transmitting section with a
smartphone camera.
2 If the inverter fluorescent light is turned on when the
room is cool, the unit may have difficulty receiving the
signal from the remote controller or may not be able to
operate with it; if the inverter fluorescent light is turned
on when the room is warm, the unit may be able to
operate with the remote controller.