The operation mode and temperature can be set by mode and temperature
setting. Switch to a settable operation mode with the Mode button.
The temperature can be changed with the
When a setting does not change, select Unchanging.
Use the Delete button to delete a set schedule.
Week schedule can be set up to 10 items/day of the week.
5) Select OK or Cancel
At the end of setting, click the OK button.
The set schedule is displayed at the set day of the week field.
Accepts the changes and returns to the Week schedule set
Cancel: Ignore the changes and returns to the Week schedule set
(2) Schedule change
Use this function to change a set schedule.
1) Select the day of the week to be changed
When the button of the day of the week to be changed is clicked, a menu
2) Select Setting
Select Setting from the menu.
The selected day of the week is displayed at the set day of the week field.
3) Select the schedule to be changed
When Schedule is clicked, the Start/Stop set screen opens.
For the operating instructions, see (1) Schedule setting.
When only the set time is changed, the change can be made by dragging
Schedule. (10 minutes units)
4) Select OK or Cancel
At the end of setting, click the OK button.
The changed schedule is displayed at the set day of the week field.
Accepts the changes and returns to the week schedule set
Cancel: Ignore the changes and returns to the week schedule set
(3) Schedule clearing
1) Select the day of the week whose schedule is to be cleared
When the button of the day of the week whose schedule is to be cleared is
clicked, a menu appears.
2) Select Clear
Select Clear from the menu.
The clear check screen opens.
3) Select OK or Cancel
After checking the setting, click the OK button.
Clears all the schedules of the selected day of the week and
returns to the Week schedule set screen.
Cancel: Returns to the Week schedule set screen.
- When Unchanging is selected, the temperature and operation mode cannot be changed. Before making any changes,
release Unchanging.
- When batch schedule setting and schedule check were performed for two or more groups, the setting field of days of the
week with duplicate settings is displayed in cyan.
- Multiple schedule setting to the same time and a time between 23:56 and 0:04 cannot be set.