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Converting the format of the copied video data collectively
You can convert the formats of the copied video data into general formats such as JPEG and AVI collectively. Click
[Convert] in the [File] menu of FSMPlayer.
Specify the range of data you want to convert collectively by date and time and camera number, then click the
[JPEG] or [AVI] button.
Converting into JPEG format
Click the [JPEG] button on the [Convert] dialog box. A dialog box appears to select a directory to save the
converted files to. When you click [OK] after specifying the directory, collective conversion starts and a dialog box
appears showing the progress.
When the collective conversion completes, a message appears notifying of the completion of the conversion.
Converting into AVI format
Click the [AVI] button on the [Convert] dialog box, to display the following AVI Setting window.
When you specify the image size and frame rate and then click [Convert], a dialog box appears to select a
directory to save the converted files to. Specify the directory and click [Save]. Conversion starts and a dialog box
appears showing the progress. When the conversion completes, a message appears notifying of the completion of
the conversion.