455CSX / 515CSX PREMIUM Chainsaw
Original Instructions Version July 18
FUEL WITH NO OIL (RAW PETROL) will cause severe damage to the engine which is not
covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
Use fresh, unleaded petrol (95 RON) and semi-synthetic oil specially made for high performance
two-stroke engines. Mix in a ratio of 40 parts petrol to 1 part of oil.
By using two-stroke oil specially made for two-stroke engines you will reduce the formation of ash
and carbon deposits on the spark plug, piston, exhaust muffler and cylinder as well as reducing
emissions of harmful exhaust gases.
Oil FOR 4-CYCLE ENGINES should not be used as two-stroke lubrication oil as it can cause fouling
of the spark plug, exhaust port blocking, piston ring sticking and other internal engine damage.
Due to increased Ethanol content in petrol we recommend the use
of B3C Ethanol Shield 2-Stroke Oil, or Ethanol Shield Fuel Stabiliser
to protect your MITOX® engine against the harmful effects of
Visit www.b3cfuel.co.uk for more information.
Fuel Storage (Without Ethanol Shield)
Mixed two-stroke fuel which has been left unused for a period of one month or more may
damage the carburettor and result in the engine failing to start or operate correctly.