270LX, 270UX Premium Brushcutter
Original Instructions Version November 17
The undersigned, as authorised by: Mitox Garden Machinery
Declares that the following equipment manufactured by Mitox conforms to the Directive: -
of the European Parliament and of the council on the approximation of the laws of the Member
States relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors.
Equipment Category – Powered Brushcutters and Grass Trimmers
Product Name/Model: Mitox 270UX
Type/Serial No.: As per rating label on machine
Cutting Width: 430mm (Grass Trimmer) / 255mm(Brushcutter)
Net installed power: 27.2 cm3 / 1.0 kW
The technical documentation is kept by: Stewart Anderson, Rochford Garden Machinery Ltd., Murray
Way, Wincanton Business Park, Somerset, BA9 9RS
The conformity assessment procedure followed was in according with annex EN ISO 11806-1:2011
of the Directive.
Notified Body: Interket Testing Services Shanghai, Building No. 86, 1198 Qinzhou Road (North), Shang-
hai 200233, China
Measured Sound Power Level: 96 dB
Guaranteed Sound Power Level: 109 dB
A copy of this certificate has been submitted to the European Commission and to EU Member
State United Kingdom
Place of Declaration: China
Signed by: S. Anderson
Position in Company: Managing Director
Name and address of Authorised representative: Rochford Garden Machinery Ltd., Murray Way,
Wincanton Business Park, Somerset, BA9 9RS