Port Profile
Click Port Profile, the following appears.
Figure 6 Port Profile
For advanced data packing options, you can specify delimiters for Serial to Ethernet
and / or Ethernet to Serial communications.
You can define up to a maximum of 4 delimiters (00~FF, HEX) for each way. The
data will be held until the delimiters are received or the optional “Flush Ethernet to
Serial data buffer” times out. Zero means disable (factory default).
8. Operating the device
Once configured, use a Telnet console or similar application - PuTTY, Tera Term,
Secure CRT - to connect to the PX Serial and operate the Serial device. Connect via
the telnet software to the PX IP address to port 4000.
For the rest of the configuration and operating instructions please see the softcopy
User Guide on the supplied CD or on our website
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