Figure 2.3.2:
USB-I/O-16D8R connections
Setting digital connections:
a. Set the I/O voltage selector switch to the desired voltage LVTTL (3.3V) or TTL
b. Connect the TTL or LVTTL devices to the wire ends of FCBL-10-1+ or similar IDC
cable and connect the cable's IDC connector to the 10 pin IDC connector in the front
of the control box (note current limits specified per byte and per individual line).
c. Connect the high voltage devices to the wire ends of FCBL-14-1+ or to similar IDC
cable and connect the cable's IDC connector to the 14 pin IDC connector in the front
of the control box.
d. If Relay outputs are required, connect them before connecting the USB cable -
otherwise use the supplied USB-CBL-AB-3+ cable or similar USB cable to connect
the control box's USB socket to the computer's USB bus (note the LED indicator
color, red=5V, yellow=3.3V).
Setting analog connections:
a. Insure the power sources you are going to use are turned off.
b. Connect the Analog devices to the wire ends of FCBL-34-1+ or to similar IDC
cable and connect the cable’s IDC connector to the IDC connector in the rear of the
control box. Note that when unpowered, the relays pass current between the
Common and Normally Closed contacts of each relay.
c. Use the supplied USB-CBL-AB-3+ cable (or similar) to connect the control box's
USB socket to the computer's USB bus.
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AN-49-004 Rev.: A (November 26, 2014) M149081 (R88277) File: AN-49-004(A).doc
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