7.4 Corner load test
The load cells come factory-set with an extremely accurate correlated adjustment of the
characteristic value and the output impedance. Due to this special adjustment, all load
cells also send the same output signal at the same dead load.
An excessive deviation almost always means that the scale is tilted or indicates force
shunts or a defective load cell.
7.5 Electronic corner correction
For further information, see the installation manual relating to the junction boxes.
7.6 Full load test and shift test
Full load test
To perform adjustment, load the platform with the maximal load (Max).
5. Place thin, deburred sheets of metal (0.5–2 mm thick) between the upper mounting
plate and the scale structure.
6. Measure the output voltages of the load cells again and adjust the height of this load
cell or of another one.
Carry out a mechanical height adjustment; see Chapter
If the corners are now loaded in succession, the same value must always be displayed
on the connected device. If this is not the case, irst carefully check the vertical
alignment of the load cells and ensure that the load disks are positioned in the middle
(see Chapter
) and then repeat the signal comparison of the load cells.
If the signal deviations cannot be eliminated with a careful setup, the corners with
signals that are too high can be damped by soldering additional resistors. In spite of
the high SG resistance values and because of the correlated precision adjustment of
the cells at the factory, only very small corrections are necessary here.
7 Preparing for calibration
Weighbridge Load Cell PR 6221
Minebea Intec