3-31 String transmission
Format of barcode data transmission
Prefix Code name Preamble
Code ID
Code length
Code data Code ID
Prefix transmission: By setting Enable, prefix will be appended before the data transmitted.
Suffix transmission: By setting Enable, suffix will be appended after the data is transmitted.
Code name transmission: By setting Enable, code name will be transmitted before code data.
Preamble transmission: By setting Enable, preamble will be appended before the data transmitted.
Postamble transmission: By setting Enable, postamble will be appended after the data is transmitted.
Code ID transmission: Code ID can be transmitted in the format of either Proprietary ID or AIM ID. Refer
to the chapter of “
1-3 Default setting for various types of barcode
Code length transmission: The length of code data string can be transmitted before the code data when
Enable is selected. The length is represented by a number with two digits.
Case conversion: The characters within code data or the whole output string can be set in either upper
case or lower case.
FN1 substitution transmission: The scanner supports a FN1 substitution feature for keyboard wedge,
USB and RS-232 interface. The replacement string of FN1 can be chosen by user (see chapter of “
G1-G6 & FN1 substitution string setting
All-non-printable-character string transmission with string setting: By setting enable, all string settings,
e.g. Preamble transmission or Insert G1 string setting, are active for an all-non-printable-character string.
Here a non-printable character means a character with ASCII value between 0x00 to 0x1F.
Transmit the first N data characters only: The scanner supports to only transmit the first N data
characters of a barcode. The number of N can be set as a digit between 1 and 99.
Transmit the last N data characters only: The scanner supports to only transmit the last N data
characters of a barcode. The number of N can be set as a digit between 1 and 99.