3-44 G1-G6 & C1-C3 & FN1 substitution string setting
Format of barcode data transmission:
Prefix Code name
Code ID Code length Code data
Code ID
Suffix string setting:
The <enter> key is represented indifferent ASCII when it is applied by different OS.
For a Windows/DOS OS, <enter> is represented as <CR><LF> (0x0D 0x0A); for an Apple MAC OS,
<enter> is represented as <CR> (0x0D); for a Linux/Unix OS, <enter> is represented as <LF> (0x0A).
Prefix/Suffix/Preamble/Postamble string setting:
They are appended to the data automatically when a barcode is decoded.
Example: Add a symbol of
” as a prefix for all symbols.
1) Scan the option barcode of Prefix string setting:
2) Use the
3) Scan 2 and 4.
4) Scan %END% barcode.
Scanning steps: Scan the following barcodes in order.
Insert G1/G2/G3/G4 string setting:
The scanner offers 4 positions and 4 character strings to insert
among a symbol.
Example: Set G1 string to be
Original code data
“1 2 3 4 5 6”
Output code data
“1 2 A B 3 4 5 6”
1) Scan the option barcode of Insert G1 string setting: %8005M%.
2) Use the ASCII table to find the value of A
41, B
3) Scan 4, 1 and 4, 2.
4) Scan %END% barcode.
5) Refer to
3-45 G1-G4 string position & Code ID position