Items returned within one year from the date of sale, transportation prepaid, which Minco
Products, Inc. (the Seller) reasonably determines to be faulty by reason of defective materials or
faulty workmanship will be replaced or repaired at the Seller's discretion, free of charge.
This remedy is to be the sole and exclusive remedy available to the buyer in the event of a breach
by the seller. Items that show evidence of mishandling or misapplication may be returned by the
seller at the customer's expense.
Furthermore, the seller is not to be held responsible for the consequential damages caused by its
product except as required under Minnesota Statutes, Section 336.1-719 (3).
This warranty is expressly in lieu of any other expressed warranty or implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and of any other obligations or liability on the
part of the seller or its employees or agents.
7300 Commerce Lane, Mpls., MN 55432-3177
Phone: (763)571-3121 FAX: (763)571-0927
Copyright 2001, Minco Products, Inc.