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Figure 3
Output Settings
The Output Settings group contains Device Name, parameters which directly control the Heater Output, and parameters which
define Status/Comm LED behavior.
Device Name:
A string of up to 20 characters that the user may use to name the device. This may be useful to identify
multiple units.
Pulse Rate:
The period of time between Measurement Pulses with which the CT398 tests the heater resistance while the
output is off, i.e. while the heater resistance is above the Setpoint. This value is in milliseconds. When the heater’s resistance
is below the Setpoint, the heater is energized and its resistance is checked continuously at a high, fixed rate.
Generally a lower Pulse Rate period is better since it should theoretically result in tighter control; however, the lower the Pulse
Rate period, the greater the Pulse Heating effect. A Pulse Rate period of 1000ms is a recommended starting point.
LED Behavior:
Determines the LED behavior when used as a status indicator (when not being used for PC communication).
The options are as follows:
Mode 1: LED to remain off during normal operation.
Mode 2: LED indicates when output is on for the purpose of heating, but not including the Measurement Pulses.
Mode 3: LED indicates when output is on for the purpose of heating, including the Measurement Pulses.
Mode 4: LED displays a “fade on-fade off” behavior when the heater resistance / temperature falls within the
Process Value Range and there are no errors. This is useful as a quick visual check to ensure the CT398 is
operating as desired.
Additionally, if the Heater Shutdown range is violated or Analog to Digital Converter fails, the associated error code will be
displayed on the LED regardless of the Mode chosen.
Control Units:
Selectable between Resistance and Temperature. This setting controls whether resistance or temperature is
used to configure the Setpoint, Process Value Range, and Heater Shutdown limits. If Temperature is used, the Heater
Settings information must be entered. If Resistance is used, no information about the heater is required by the utility program.
The Setpoint, Process Value Range, and Heater Shutdown values on the same screen will be displayed / entered in the
selected units.