Remove the used Ink IC chip.
Attach the ink IC chip.
• After the ink IC is inserted, the supply between the ink supply unit and the
ink supply attachment is automatically performed.
Supply ink of 10kg
If [INK SUPPLY ERROR] occurs after ink tank replacement and automatic supply, do as follows.
Refer to P.7"Setting of 10kg Ink Tank" and set the ink tank and ink supply pipe.
Select [TEST PRINT / CLEANING] > [10kg INK
SUPPLY] and press the [ENTER] key.
Press the [ENTER] key on the 10kg ink supply
start screen to start supply.
When [INK NEAR END] is displayed
Very little ink remains in the bottle. Although the print operation can continue without replacing the ink bottle, the
ink may run out during the printing operation. We recommend that you replace the ink tank with a new one soon
after this is indicated.
If you press the key in local mode, you can check the replacement tank with the local guidance.
• Replace the ink IC chip after setting a new 10kg ink tank.
• Remove and attach ink IC chips in local mode.
• Automatic supply takes about 3 minutes at maximum. Other
supply operations and printing can not be performed while
automatic supply is in progress.
• In order to resolve [INK SUPPLY ERROR], make sure that the
ink tank and ink supply pipe are set correctly.
Ink IC chip.
Ink IC chip.
10kg ink supply unit
Start [ENT]
10kg ink supply unit
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