6266-22 Orbital Jigsaw Service Instructions - Hints
Following are hints for disassembling and assembling the 6266-22 Orbital Jigsaw. Note that they are
not complete service instructions.
Quik-Lok Blade Clamp Lever (#248) removal:
After Tension Spring (#247) is removed, remove
screw (#251) from bottom of Blade Clamp Lever. Rotate Blade Clamp Lever approximately 15 to
20 degrees and hold the Index Sleeve (#250) in this position. Press end of Blade Clamp Lever so it
pivots out of the Index Sleeve.
Index Sleeve (#250) removal:
Extend spindle to its outward position. Depress spindle and pull off Index Sleeve through slot #1,
see illustration below.
Spindle Assembly (#270) removal:
Extend spindle to its outward position. After the left and right
clamps (#243, #244) and screws (#245) are removed, remove the springs (#246). Pull Spindle
Assembly out, making sure spindle nut fi ts through hole in the Gear Case Cover (#240).
Lubrication: Use 0.5 oz. Type "L" Grease, No. 49-08-4170 in Gear and Gear area.
After all parts are clean of used grease, apply new grease as follows: Lightly (yet completely) grease the
Counterbalance Guide Pin, Gear pin, and orbit pivot (all of which are inside the Gear Case). Lightly
grease the Needle Bearings (#213, #225), Spacer Plate (#224), Rocker Arm (#229), Counter Balance
(#222), Armature Shaft Pinion, Linkage Pin (#230), and Gear (#210) before their installation. Note: the
Linkage Pin must be installed before the Rocker Arm. After installation of the Gear, apply the remainder
of the 0.5 oz. grease to Gear and Gear area. Apply grease favoring the top of the tool, as grease will
settle toward the bottom as the tool is used.
Use 0.25 oz. Type "L" Grease, No. 49-08-4170 in the Spindle and Spindle Yoke areas.
Before installation of the Spindle Assembly (#270) into the Gear Case Cover (#240), lightly grease the
pivots on the Spindle Assembly (for the orbital movement), the Pressure Springs (#246), the Left and
Right Clamps (#243, #244), and the Spindle Assembly (#270) - excluding the Blade Clamp Nut. After
installation of these parts into the Gear Case Cover, apply the remainder of the 0.25 oz. grease to
Spindle and Spindle Yoke areas.
Spindle Assembly (#270) installation:
Place Pressure Springs (#246) onto pins of Gear Case Cover
(#240). Place Screws (#245) through holes of Left and Right Clamps (#243, #244). Assemble Left and
Right Clamps onto Spindle Assembly (#270). Extend spindle and insert blade clamp nut through Gear
Case Cover (#240).
Assembly of Quik-Lok Blade Clamp Lever (#248):
Extend spindle outward, insert Index Sleeve (#250) so that the
clamp tang passes through the slot #1 of the sleeve. Rotate the
Index Sleeve approximately 15-20° so that clamp tang falls into
slot #2. Hook Tension Spring (#247) onto Blade Clamp Lever (#248).
Hook the Blade Clamp Lever onto the Index Sleeve while feeding
the Tension Spring (#247) through the Gear Case Cover (Use a
needle nose pliers if necessary). Tighten Screw (#251) through
Index Sleeve and Blade Clamp Lever. Before further assembly,
operate the Blade Clamp Lever to ensure the blade clamp
operates properly.
Index Sleeve
Slot #2
Slot #1