There are 5 levels of the motion sensitivity. 1 being the most sensitive, 5 the least, default
setting is 1.
2.2 Set SMS/CALL Alert
There will be a Call/SMS alert send to master number when any motion is detected, after 3
minutes of non-movement.
The system default setting is call alert, and can be turned
off by command.
To turn off motion alert function.
To enable motion sms alert function.
To enable motion call alert function.
2.3 Period Continuous Motion Alert
System will enable the continuous motion alert function at appointed time periods, up to 3
time periods per day.
That means master number will receive the call/sms alerts continuously when device
detects on continuous motion.
Time format need to be in military time.
System default set UTC time, if you are not in this timezone, please set your
timezone before using this function.
*continuousalert*(2 digits start time)*(2 digits end time)*
*continuousalert*08*14* means system will
enable continuous motion alert function from
8am to 2pm.
To turn off period motion alert function.
3. Tracking via SMS
3.1 SMS:
Master number will receive the GPS address of the device via SMS. If GPS location is
invalid, device will reply the WiFi location, or the closest cell tower location instead.
3.2 SMS:
Master number will receive a Google map link. Click the link to view the map via cellphone
browser. If GPS location is invalid, device will reply the map link of the WiFi location, or
the closest cell tower location instead.
And this function is suitable for smart phone user only.
4. Tracking via website and applications
Tracking Website: