Sterylis VS Manual
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The graph on the left shows very clearly
what effects ozone poisoning can have on
humans depending on their concentration
and exposure time. The graph shows:
concentrations and such exposure times
there should be no symptoms of ozone
poisoning), non-toxic area (possible light,
life-threatening symptoms), transiently
toxic area (strong symptoms of poisoning
that will disappear after a certain time,
alone or after the victim's help),
permanently toxic area (very strong
symptoms lasting for the victim) and lethal
area (huge concentrations of ozone may
contribute to the death of the exposed
It is essential that you read the first aid measures set out in the table below:
General rules
To avoid exposure to the negative effects of ozone poisoning, wear full face
and eye masks, protective gloves and protective clothing in accordance with
the table "Personal protective equipment".
Guidelines for first aid providers
Wear protective gloves, avoid contact with eyes. Wash your hands
thoroughly with water and soap after providing medical assistance
If the airways come into contact with too high a concentration of ozone,
leave the ozone room as soon as possible and go out into the fresh air or
take the injured person out into the fresh air. In the case of respiratory
difficulties, give the victim oxygen. If the injured person stops breathing,
CPR must be performed
Contact with eyes
Eyes exposed to too high a concentration of ozone should be rinsed with
water as soon as possible for about 15 minutes. If you have contact lenses,
remove them and rinse your eyes with water. Rinse with a continuous but
not very strong stream of water, keep eyelids wide open, move the eyeball
while rinsing
Contact with skin
Skin exposed to too high a concentration of ozone should be rinsed with
running water and washed with soap.
Is not possible
Always seek professional medical attention in cases of serious or persistent symptoms!
Information on special treatment:
- If necessary, provide the victim with oxygen.
- The victim’s circulation should be monitored.
- Show the doctor maintaining the safety data sheet (ozone)