1 - 10
Locate ports labeled X, X1, and X2 on the BOU block.
Remove the hose connected at the X port and connect it to one of the Tee fittings; insert a plug into the valve con-
nection point from which the hose was removed.
Remove the hose connected at the X1 port and connect it to one of the Tee fittings; insert a plug into the valve con-
nection point from which the hose was removed.
Remove the hose connected at the X2 port and connect it to one of the Tee fittings; insert a plug into the valve con-
nection point from which the hose was removed.
Multifunction Cartridge
Locate the four multifunction cartridges located on the back side of the hydrostat; the second hex coupling hex nut
should be turned counterclockwise three full turns. Do not turn more than that as this action will permit external leak-
Have someone in the cab move the hydro lever to the forward position; pump the Port-A-Power to 165 psi minimum
and the brakes will release. You
keep pressure to at least 165 psi to keep the brakes released, so closely mon-
itor the pressure gauge when vehicle is moving. Tow at slow speed (0–3 mph) and
far enough to remove vehi-
cle from roadway or to load onto a trailer. Severe damage to vehicle will result from towing vehicle an extended