OM-252 624 Page 42
6-3. Process/Contactor Switch
Process/Contactor Switch
Weld output terminals are ener-
gized when Process/Contactor
switch is in an Electrode Hot
position and the engine is run-
Use switch to select weld process and
weld output on/off control (see table be-
Place switch in Remote On/Off Switch
Required positions to turn weld output on
and off with a device connected to the
Remote 14 receptacle.
Place switch in Electrode Hot positions
for weld output to be on whenever the en-
gine is running.
Use Stick mode for air carbon arc
(CAC-A) cutting and gouging.
Use the Lift-Arc TIG mode for TIG
(GTAW) welding using the Lift-Arc TIG
starting procedure (see Section 6-5).
Ref. 251 246-A
Switch Setting
Typical Process Applications (DC Only)
Electrode Hot – MIG VS
MIG solid wire uses a voltage sensing (VS) feeder that does not require a control cable
back to the welding generator.
Electrode Hot – FCAW VS
FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding) uses a voltage sensing (VS) feeder that does not re-
quire a control cable back to the welding generator.
Electrode Hot - Stick
Stick welding with or without a remote amperage control. Strike an arc to start welding.
Electrode Hot – TIG Lift Arc
Lift Arc TIG: touch tungsten to work and lift to start welding. Uses circuitry internal to the
welding generator to aid arc start. Can be used with or without a remote control.
Remote ON/OFF Required - TIG
High Frequency TIG or Scratch Start TIG welding. High frequency TIG starting with re-
mote foot control allows remote On/Off and Amperage control. Another typical application
is a simple TIG rig with a remote control device.
Remote On/Off Required - Stick
Stick welding with RFC-14 control allows remote On/Off and Amperage control. This can
help eliminate accidental arc strikes.
Remote On/Off Required - FCAW
FCAW using a constant speed feeder. Use feeders with remote voltage control, or use a
Spoolmatic 30A with WC 24 control.
Remote On/Off Required - MIG
MIG solid wire using a constant speed feeder. Use feeders with remote voltage control, or
use a Spoolmatic 30A with WC 24 control.