10. Stages
Gliding stage, stage carrier with object guide
and stage carrier with rotary stage can be
changed quickly without any problems about a
10.1. Gliding
The gliding stage offers the possibility of a free
positioning of the object within a diameter of 40
mm can be done with the precise gliding stage.
The maximum height of the specimen is 30 mm.
pic.19: gliding stage
Stage carrier with object guide
The object-guide allows a x-y- adjustment in
range of 76 x 26 mm. The maximum height of
the specimen is 40 mm.
pic.20: stage carrier with object guide
Stage carrier with rotary stage
The stage carrier with rotary stage is usable for
the research of translucent polarizing objects.
The stage allows the determination of axial
attitudes from birefringent objects. The maximum
height of the specimen is 35 mm.
pic.21: stage carrier with rotary stage
Magnet spherical stage
The magnet spherical stage is suited for probe
positioning and tilting the object to a max. 45°
angle. The object clamp is done by small
magnet mounts. To avoid slipping the spherical
stage is also magnetic mounted.
pic.22: magnet spherical stage