8. TV – Transfer
8.1. TV – Transfer over Photo-/TV tube
For the TV transfer is only a Photo-/TV tube and
a TV with camera and a monitor adjustment are
needed. For the right adaptation of the image
detail of the camera in comparison to the image
in the eyepiece there are four different TV-
adapter available with magnification factor
0,3x ; 0,4x ; 0,4xWF ; 0,63x ; 1x and 1,6x.
The Photo-/TV tube is set for adjustment on the
microscope centre section. At the upper exit of
the Photo-/TV tube will be mount the TV adapter
and above the TV adapter will be set a video
camera (in most cases the thread is c-mount)
All TV-adapter will be aligned factory-made at
the delivery. In normal case you don’t have to
change nothing. In case you don’t have a clear
picture you have to follow the instructions at
points 8.1.1 and 8.1.2.
8.1.1 The
TV-adapter 1x
comes in two parts
which will be clamped with two screws. The
lower part will be set directly on the Photo-/TV
tube, the upper part will be set on the T2-
adapter . Both parts will be add together and
will be adjust against each other at a good
aligned microscope with smallest magnification
factor until there is a clear and sharpen picture
on the monitor. Now you have to align the
camera itself (left and right side of a picture) and
the screws will be tighten.
pic.14: Tv – adaptation 0,3x … 1,6x
pic.15: phototube with Tv adaptation 0,63x
and camera
8.1.2 You have to do the same steps for the
0,3x ; 0,4x ; 0,4x WF ; 0,63x
(analogous in comparison to the TV-
adapter 1x)