Cleaning and care
Cleaning the siphon and the
compartment channel
Liquid starch results in clogging. If
clogged, the siphon in the
compartment will not work and the
compartment can overflow.
Clean the siphon particularly
thoroughly after using liquid starch a
few times.
Remove the siphon from
compartment and clean under
warm running water. Clean the
siphon tube in the same way.
Refit the siphon.
Clean the fabric softener channel
using a brush and warm water.
Cleaning the detergent dispenser
drawer housing
Use a bottle brush to remove
detergent residues and limescale
from the jets inside the detergent
dispenser drawer compartment.
Replace the detergent dispenser
Useful tip:
Leave the detergent
dispenser drawer slightly open to allow
it to dry.