Legal information
Open source licences
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Copyrights and licences for operator
and control software
Miele uses their own and third party
software which is not subject to any so-
called Open Source Licence for the op-
eration and control of the appliance.
This software/these software compon-
ents are protected by copyright. The
copyright powers of Miele and third
parties have to be respected.
Furthermore, this appliance contains
software components which are distrib-
uted under Open Source licence condi-
tions. Please refer to the menu item
Appliance parameters
Legal informa-
Open source licences
in the appli-
ance for the Open Source components
contained therein, together with the
corresponding copyright notices, cop-
ies of the licencing conditions valid at
the time, and any further information.
The liability and warranty provisions of
the Open Source licence terms and
conditions as stated therein apply only
in relation to the respective rights hold-