Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
Chapter 1 Setup
P r o d u c t s p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Vi e w i n g G l a s s
You need not switch off AC power to clean the glass. Apply a mild glass cleaner to a clean cloth or
sponge, then use this to wipe the viewing glass. Do not apply cleaner directly onto glass. Liquid could drip
down into video game machine circuits or onto detectors and cause erratic operation.
C a b i n e t
Use plastic-safe non-abrasive cleaners to avoid damage. Apply cleaner to clean cloth or sponge, then use
this to wipe the controls or cabinet. Do not apply cleaner directly on controls or cabinet.
O p e r a t i n g R e q u i r e m e n t s
Electrical Power
Domestic 120VAC @ 60Hz 3.0 Amps
Foreign 230VAC @ 50Hz 2.0 Amps
Japan 100VAC @ 50Hz 3.0 Amps
32ºF to 100ºF
(0ºC to 38ºC)
Not to exceed 95% rela-
C a b i n e t S t a t i s t i c s
Shipping Dimensions
Main Cabinet
Control Section
Width 58 in (147 cm)
49 in (124 cm)
Depth 36 in (91 cm)
30 in (76 cm)
Height 79 in (201 cm)
45 in (114 cm)
Shipping Weight
Main Cab Cntrl Section
580 lbs
140 lbs
264 kg
64 kg
Design Type
Dedicated video game
machine with 49-way
optodetector joysticks
E q u i p m e n t C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
Video Display Monitor
Medium resolution RGB
39 in (96.5 cm) CRT
Audio System
Digital Stereo
2 4.5 in (8 cm) full range
Currency Acceptors
Standard coin door
2 coin mechanisms
1 coin counter
G a m e C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
Player Variables
1 to 4 players per game
High score recognition
Operator Variables
Coinage, game options,
difficulty, volume, demo
mode, audits, statistics
Automatic power-up test
Manual multi-level Menu