The antenna must be fully extended, or a suitable load applied when
transmitting or the output transistors may be damaged.
Transmitting section
1. Set the channel selector to channel 13.
2. Connect an RF power meter to the external antenna jack. (Antenna with-
3. Connect a suitable, metered, 15 volt power supply to the external power jack.
4. Press the push-to-talk switch and adjust the transmitting coil only, for maxi
mum RF output. (Note current drain from power supply)
5. Disconnect the RF power meter and fully extend the antenna.
6. Press the push-to-talk switch and adjust the antenna loading coil for the same
power supply current drain as obtained in step 4.
Receiving Section
1. Adjust a signal generator to 455 KFIz with 30% modulation at 1 KHz.
Adjust the 4 transformers of the second IF stage for maximum indication on
the front panel output meter.
2. Set the channel selector to channel 11. and using another transceiver or trans-
mitter as a signal source, adjust the antenna coil, the RF coil, and the 2 trans
formers of the first IF stage for maximum indication on the output meter.