Model 5001z Ow ner’s Manual
Page 3
W elcom e t o t he W orld of M idland Elect ronics
W elcom e t o t he W orld of M idland Elect ronics
Congratulations on your purchase of a state-of-the-art Midland 5001z mobile CB radio. I n
the years ahead, you can expect to realize time and again why Midland holds the front
running position among CB users everywhere. You will come to know that American
Original is not just a slogan, but the heading of long list of hearable, seeable benefits. As
your Midland CB experience unfolds and grows we hope you will remember that CB
radios are only one kind of electronic excellence available under the Midland name.
Your 40 channel CB radio represents the state of the art in high tech engineering. The
unit incorporates microprocessor controlled PLL circuitry for precise tuning.
The 5001z is a classic style CB that is skillfully constructed with the finest components.
This radio is designed for reliable and trouble-free performance for years to come. Enjoy!
M aj or 5 0 0 1 z Feat ures
M aj or 5 0 0 1 z Feat ures
• 40 CB Channels
• 4 Watt Output Power
Mic Gain
• 4- Pin Front Panel Mic Connector
• PA Function
• Switchable Noise Blanker(NB)
• I nstant Channel 9
• Dimmer Control
• RF Gain
• Automatic Noise Limiter(ANL)
• Push to talk ergonomically designed microphone
• 9 ft coil Mic cord
• I ncludes mounting bracket/ hardware and fused DC power cord
Midland Radio Corporation
Hereby certifies that this unit has
been designed, manufactured,
FCC type accepted and certified
in accordance with part 95 and
Part 15, Subpart C of the current
FCC rules and regulations as of
the date of manufacture.