Last update: 2014/01/19 10:10
Printed on 2020/10/14 01:02
indicators, chosen SR must be after ALL POSSIBLE indicators
RELAY_LED_SHIFT_REGISTER - If your using LED indicators for relays, which SR are they connected
to SR should be AFTER the relay SR
USE_LED_INDICATORS - Are you using LED indicators for each footswitch, set 1 for yes, 0 for no
DIGITS_CONNECTED - Numver of LED digits connected (0-2). Set 0 for none.
DOUT_DIGITS_SR - Which SR is the first digit connected to.
Example of pbx_config.h setup
This is an example configured for:
4 expresson pedals, 8 fixed footswitches and 8 banked footswitches.
There are 1 LED digit connected to shift register 3 (start at pin 25).
There will also be 16 LED indicators for the footswitches .
Bank down is at pin 16, bank up at pin 17.
Special buttons for setup modes are the same as the first 2 fixed buttons.
PedalSwap is activated py footswitches connected to pins 19 -24 (LED's on counterpart dout
Relays are located on Shift Register 4 (pin 32), and it's led indicators are on SR 5 (pin 40)
// Configuration Parameters
/* General Settings */
#define PEDALBOARD 1 // 1 = Pedal Board mode 0 = Pedal Box
#define ENABLE_MIDI_IN 1 // 1 = yes 0 = no
#define MIDI_MERGER 0 // 0 = off 1 = on
#define MIDI_MERGER_DISABLE_MASTER 1 // 0 = disabled 1 = enabled - If
set will disable forwarding of events on the master bankstick channel
/* Pedal Settings */
#define AIN_DEADBAND 7 // 7 for 7-bit midi is best
#define AIN_NUMBER_INPUTS 4 // 1 - 8 - number of pots connected
/* Pedal Board Buttons */
#define DIN_DEBOUNCE_VALUE 20 // debounce value
#define DIN_FIXED_BUTTONS 8 // 0-16 buttons that always stay the
same, regardless of bank