2020/10/14 01:02
MIDIbox - http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/
The Event Map
MIDI event name and event type
128 Entries of CC's, 128 of Program Changes
10 x Parameter 2 value maps
Value name and associated value
Up to 128 entries each (1 for each value, does not need all entries)
to setup and upload Device Bankstick data.
Uploading Pedal Box / Pedal Board
Now we are ready to upload Pedal Box. Browse to your Pedal Box directory and open the pbx_config.h
You need to customise the application here. Comments inside in main.h will tell you what each setting
Once you've customised the application it needs to be recompiled. Simply run re-make.bat.
Upload the created project.hex using MIOS Studio (or .syx using MIDI-OX or other midi software) file to
the core module. MIOS will now reboot, and that's it!
pbx_config.h in detail
PEDALBOARD - Set to 1 if for Pedalboard mode, or 0 for Pedalbox mode
ENABLE_MIDI_IN - If you wish to utilise the MIDI IN port, set to 1. Otherwise 0
MIDI_MERGER - To forward events recieved at the MIDI input to the output, set to 1. Otherwise 0.
MIDI_MERGER_DISABLE_MASTER - If the MIDI Merger is enabled, but you do not want to forward
messages targeting functions of PB (eg. A patch change) - set to 1. Otherwise set to 0 to forward all
AIN_DEADBAND - (standard MIOS question)
AIN_NUMBER_INPUTS - (standard MIOS question)
DIN_DEBOUNCE_VALUE - (standard MIOS question)
DIN_FIXED_BUTTONS - How many fixed or static footswitches are connected (0-16)
DIN_BANKED_BUTTONS - How many banked or dynamic footswitches are connected (1-16)
DIN_BANK_UP - The pin number assigned for bank up (2-33)
DIN_BANK_DOWN - The pin number assigned for bank down (2-33)
FIRST_PEDALSWAP_DIN_PIN - The pin assigned to the fist PedalSwap footswitch and LED Be wary
that placement does not interfere with Relays or LED Digit DOUT pins
NUM_PEDALSWAP_BUTTONS - Number of PedalSwap slots available (max and default = 6)
EVENT_SETUP_DIN_PIN - The pin number assigned for entering event setup mode (while holding
bank down) (0-31) Can not be the same as bank up or down
GLOBAL_SETUP_DIN_PIN - The pin number assigned for entering global setup mode (while holding
bank down) (0-31) Can not be the same as bank up or down
RELAY_SHIFT_REGISTER - If your using relays, which SR are they connected to if using SOME LED