Glue in place the
Wing Boxing
pieces which cover the
top of the wings. You will need to trim the smaller pieces
to fit in the aft slot.
You may also need to sand or trim the edge of these
pieces so they slip inside the space between the wing ribs.
Sand down the wing boxing especially at the front to
follow the curve of the wing ribs.
Slide the wing covering sheet over the wings leaving an
even amount protruding from each end.
Cut a small hole in the film at the centre of the wings and
squirt in some Foam Safe Glue. We recommend using
Do not use wood glue as it may affect the film. We use
foam safe glue because it becomes very tacky and this is
perfect for attaching film.
Use a scrap piece of wood to spread out the glue in the
forward and aft areas. This middle section needs to be
glued down to prevent it from lifting up when the covering
film is shrunk.
Allow to completely dry.