Chapter 5 Customizing Registry Settings
5.1 How to access to registry keys
Some Unicorn modem software parameters can be controlled from the
. Here is the procedure to access to the driver keys:
1. From Start menu, click
… and type regedit
2. Browse to:
- On W2000:
MyComputer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet
- On Win98 and Millennium:
MyComputer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet
3. The following table explains the meaning of the main keys:
WDM device driver main registry Keys
MswDebugLevel Controls the trace level of Unicorn modem software.
These traces are displayed in Dbg View window with the label “MSW:”.
Possible values are:
0: High level – all trace messages are printed in DbgView window
1: Medium level – only warnings and errors are traced
2: Low level – only modem state changes and errors are traced
Debug Level Controls the trace level of Unicorn driver. Possible values
0: High level – all trace classes enabled
1: Medium level – infos, warnings and errors enabled
2: Low level – only warnings and errors are enabled
Activation Mode Line is automatically activated when the driver is
enabled. Possible values are:
0: Auto activation is disabled
1: Modem automatically activates in ANSI mode
2: Modem automatically activates in GLITE mode
3: Modem automatically activates in MULTI mode
Downstream Rate Maximum Downstream Line Rate (in bit/second) Each
registry key value can be edited by double-clicking on it. In order to make
your changes effective you have to disable/enable the “ADSL modem
USB adapter” in the device manager.
5.2 Disable/Enable the ADSL modem USB adapter
5.2.1 Disable the ADSL modem USB adapter on Win2000 / XP
1. Go to
Device Manager
2. Double-click ADSL Modem
3. Right -click ADSL Modem USB Adapter and select Disable.
4. Answer Yes to the question: Disabling this device will cause it to stop
functioning. Do you want to disable it?