MyAMP can be controlled by the three tact switches located at the bottom right hand side
of the front panel or by the remote control handset supplied with the unit.
A short pressure on the unit “SEL” key or “Standby” button of the remote control handset
takes MyAMP out of “Standby” mode.
A 15 seconds waiting period has been implemented to allow the complete stabilization of
the internal circuitry as well as perfect silent operation. During this period, where the red
“Standby” led is blinking slowly, no operation is allowed.
Once out of standby, the mute led goes off and the unit selects AN1 or the latest selected
source before going into standby with the volume set to a minimal level. A long pressure
(more that 2 seconds) on the “SEL” key or a short press on the “Standby” button of the
remote control handset, places MyAMP in Standby mode again.
You can select the proper volume level by pressing on the VOL- and VOL+ keys on the unit
on the remote control handset. A long press on each volume key gives you the possibility
to increase or decrease rapidly the volume. When increasing rapidly the ramp will stop at a
predefined level, loud enough but not too loud to damage any speaker. Once that level is
reached, if you want to increase the volume you will have to do it step by step.
To select another source than the selected one, press on the “SEL” key of the unit until the
desired source is reached or use the direct access keys of the remote control handset. Each
time a source is changed, MyAMP goes into mute for 500ms to avoid any switching noise.
When selecting a digital source, MyAMP will unmute when a correct digital stream is re-
ceived. Otherwise , the unit will stay muted with the red mute led on, and no change in the
previous volume setup possible to avoid unexpected level changes.
Bluetooth input
MyAMP is equipped with an aptX
Bluetooth module.
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26/06/14 16:52