Microlife CARDIO+ Instruction Manual Download Page 11



Managing the Measurement Data

Saving Data

•  Press «Save» to store the measurement results, including 

measurement mode, date, and time. If you do not wish to keep a 

measurement, press «Cancel».

•  To store measurement results from other blood pressure devices, go 

to «Manual Input».


The amount of data saved depends on the memory capacity of your 

iOS device. A warning message will appear when the memory is full. 

Delete old data to save new data.

Deleting Data

•  Delete Individual Data: Go to «Report» and press «Edit».
•  Delete All Data: Go to «Settings» and press «Reset Data».

Viewing Data

Go to «Report» to view data.
•  Viewing Individual Data: Swipe the screen vertically to see data 

taken in the same month. To view data taken in different months, 

swipe the screen horizontally.

•  Viewing Data in a Line Graph: Turn the iOS device horizontally. To 

view data in a specific timeline, choose the intended period of view.

•  Viewing Data in a Bar Chart*: Turn the iOS device and swipe the 

screen horizontally. To view data in a specific timeline, choose the 

intended period of view.

1D – One day 

1W – One week

1M – One month 

3M – Three months

1Y – One year 

All – All measurements stored

Sharing Data

Go to «Report» and press « » to share data*.
*Data is shared via email in CSV format. To use this function, an email 

account must be set up in your iOS device and an Internet connection 

is needed.

Summary of Contents for CARDIO+

Page 1: ...InstructionManual Foraccuratebloodpressuremeasurement BloodPressureMonitor MICROLIFE CARDIO ...

Page 2: ...rolifeCardio hasbeenclinicallytestedtoensure thehighestaccuracyofitsmeasurements Readthroughtheseinstructionscarefullytounderstandthisproduct s functionsandsafetyinformation Wewantyoutobehappywithyour Microlifeproduct Ifyouhaveanyinquiries contactMicrolife scustomersupportcenter Yourretailerorpharmacycanprovideyouwiththecontactinformation oftheMicrolifedealerinyourcountry Orvisitwww microlife comf...

Page 3: ...eCardio BeforeTakingaMeasurement 6 TakingaMeasurement 7 DuringMeasurement 7 CompletedMeasurement 8 InterpretingtheMeasurementResults WHOIndicator 8 PulseArrhythmiaDetection PAD Indicator 8 ManagingtheMeasurementData Saving Deleting Viewing orSharingData 10 ManagingaUserProfile Creating Selecting orDeletingaUserProfile 11 Appendix BatteryPowerIndicators 11 ErrorMessages 12 FactsaboutBloodPressurean...

Page 4: ...tionSlotoniPhone iPad iPodtouch 2 MicrolifeCardio Dock 3 On OffButton CancelButton duringmeasurement 4 MicrolifeCardio Plug 5 PreformedCuff 6 AirHose 7 MicroUSBPort 8 AirHoseSocket 3 4 6 MicrolifeCardio BloodPressureMonitorand Application ...

Page 5: ... 12 Users 9 10 11 12 Whatisincluded MicrolifeCardio Dockx1 PreformedCuff SizeM L 22 42cm x1 USBCableforChargingBatteryx1 CarryingCasex1 InstructionManualx1 QuickStartGuidex1 Readtheinstructionscarefullybeforeusingthisdevice TypeBFappliedpart ...

Page 6: ...crolifeCardio BloodPressureMonitor you canalsochargeyouriOSdevice ChargingtheMicrolifeCardio BloodPressureMonitordirectly throughacomputerUSBportisnotrecommended DownloadingtheMicrolifeCardio Appfromthe AppStore GototheAppStoreandsearchfor MicrolifeCardio Oncethisapp hasbeendownloaded theicon willappearonyouriOSdevice Todownloadtheapp youneedanAppleIDwithanemailaddress andpassword aswellasanactive...

Page 7: ...he MicrolifeCardio BeforeTakingaMeasurement Avoidanyactivity eating orsmokingimmediatelybeforetakinga measurement Sitdownandrelaxforatleast5minutesbeforetakinga measurement Relax5mins Alwaystakemeasurementsonthesamearm normallytheleft Removeclose fittingclothingfromtheupperarm Toavoid constriction yourshirtsleeveshouldnotberolledup itwillnot interferewiththecuffifitislaidflat Fitthecuffclosely but...

Page 8: ...ments automatically Sincebloodpressure constantlyfluctuates aresultdeterminedwithMAMismorereliable thanaresultobtainedfromasinglemeasurement Thistypeof measurementisalsorecommendedbydoctorsinmostofthemedical guidelinesforhypertensionmanagement DuringMeasurement Thecuffwillpumpupautomatically Donotmoveortalk anddonot tenseyourarmmuscles Breathenormally Whenthecorrectpressureisreached thepumpingstop...

Page 9: ...hythmiaDetection PAD Indicator The PAD symbolindicatesthatcertainpulseirregularitieswere detectedduringthemeasurement Iftheresultdeviatesfromyournormalbloodpressure repeatthe measurement Ifthissymbolappearsonaregularbasis e g severaltimesaweek whenmeasurementsaretakendaily weadviseyoutoinformyour doctorandshowthefollowingexplanation EarlyDetectionofPulseArrhythmia Thisdeviceisanoscillometricbloodp...

Page 10: ...onsult your doctor 1 Blood pressure optimum 100 120 60 80 Self check 2 Blood pressure normal 120 130 80 85 Self check 3 Blood pressure slightly high 130 140 85 90 Consult your doctor 4 Blood pressure too high 140 160 90 100 Seek medical advice 5 Blood pressure far too high 160 180 100 110 Seek medical advice 6 Blood pressure dangerously high 180 110 Urgently seek medical advice ...

Page 11: ...esetData ViewingData Goto Report toviewdata ViewingIndividualData Swipethescreenverticallytoseedata takeninthesamemonth Toviewdatatakenindifferentmonths swipethescreenhorizontally ViewingDatainaLineGraph TurntheiOSdevicehorizontally To viewdatainaspecifictimeline choosetheintendedperiodofview ViewingDatainaBarChart TurntheiOSdeviceandswipethe screenhorizontally Toviewdatainaspecifictimeline choose...

Page 12: ...ment DeletingaUserProfile Goto User click Edit andselecttheusertobedeleted BatteryPowerIndicators The buttononthebloodpressuremonitormayshowthe following NoLight Thebatteryiscompletelycharged BlueLight Thebatteryisover20 charged YellowLight Thebatteryislessthan20 charged Chargethebattery BlueandYellowLightsFlashingAlternately Thebatteryisdefective Donotletthebatteryrundowncompletely asthisshortens...

Page 13: ...epeatthe measurement ERR5 Abnormalresult Themeasuringsignalsare inaccurateandnoresult therefore canbedisplayed Readthrough thechecklistforperformingreliable measurementsandthenrepeatthe measurement ERR6 MAMmodeerror Therewereerrorsduringthe measurementinMAMmode makingitimpossibletoobtain afinalresult Readthroughthe checklistforperformingreliable measurementsandthenrepeatthe measurement Lowbattery ...

Page 14: ...gesofanydrugs prescribedbyyourdoctor Dependingonphysicalexertionandotherconditions bloodpressure issubjecttowidefluctuations especiallyasthedayprogresses Youshould therefore takeyourmeasurementsunderthesame conditions whenyouarerelaxed Takeatleasttwomeasurementsperday oneinthemorningand oneintheevening Itisquitenormalfortwomeasurementstakeninquicksuccessionto producesignificantlydifferentresults D...

Page 15: ...racyevery2yearsor afteranymechanicalimpact e g beingdropped ContactMicrolife s servicecentertoarrangeatest Batteriesandelectronicdevicesmustbedisposedofinaccordance withthelocallyapplicableregulations notwithdomesticwaste Guarantee Thisdeviceiscoveredbya2 yearguaranteefromthedateof purchase Theguaranteeisvalidonlyonpresentationoftheguarantee cardcompletedbythedealer seeback confirmingdateofpurchas...

Page 16: ...ox 120 mm x 93 5 mm Cuffsize 22 42 cm adult cuff supports size M to L Measuringprocedure Oscillometric single or MAM readings Measurementrange 30 280 mmHg blood pressure 40 200 beats per minute pulse Cuffpressuredisplay range 0 299 mmHg Resolution 1 mmHg Staticaccuracy Pressure within 3 mmHg or 2 of reading 200 mmHg Pulseaccuracy 5 of the readout value Voltagesource Via USB 5 V 500 mAh or integrat...

Page 17: ...nsCISPR11 Group1 TheBP4GAPO 2MusesRFenergyonlyforitsinternalfunction Therefore its RFemissionsareverylowandarenotlikelytocauseanyinterferenceinnearby electronicequipment RFemissionsCISPR11 GroupB TheBP4GAPO 2Missuitableforuseinallestablishments includingdomestic establishmentsandthosedirectlyconnectedtothepubliclow voltagepower supplynetworkthatsuppiesbuildingsusedfordomesticpurposes Harmonicemiss...

Page 18: ...00 4 5 1kVline s toline s 2kVline s toearth Notapplicable Notapplicable Mainspowerqualityshouldbethatofatypicalcommericalor hospitalenvironment VoltageDips short interruptionandvoltage variationsonpowersupply inputlinesIEC61000 4 11 5 UT 95 dipinUT for0 5cycle 40 UT 60 dipinUT for5cycles 70 UT 30 dipinUT for25cycles 5 UT 95 dipinUT for5s Notapplicable Notapplicable Notapplicable Notapplicable Main...

Page 19: ...ieldstrengthsfromfixedRFtransmitters asdeterminedbyanelectromagneticsite survey a shouldbelessthanthecompliancelevelineachfrequencyrange b Interferencemayoccurinthevicinityofequipmentmarkedwiththefollowingsymbol Note1 At80MHzand800MHz thehigherfrequencyrangeapplies Note2 Theseguidelinesmaynotapplyinallsituations Electromagneticpropagationisaffectedbyabsorptionandreflectionfromstructures objectsand...

Page 20: ...ter W Separationdistanceaccordingtofrequencyoftransmitter m 150kHzto80MHz d 1 2 P 80MHzto800MHz d 1 2 P 800MHzto2 5GHz d 2 3 P 0 01 N A 0 12 0 23 0 1 N A 0 38 0 73 1 N A 1 2 2 3 10 N A 3 8 7 3 100 N A 12 23 Fortransmittersratedatamaximumoutputpowernotlistedabove therecommendedseparationdistance d inmeters m canbeestimatedusingthe equationapplicabletothefrequencyofthetransmitter wher P isthemaximum...

Page 21: ...GuaranteeCard NameofPurchaser SerialNumber ...

Page 22: ...DateofPurchase SpecialistDealer ...

Page 23: ...mailadmin microlife ch www microlife com Asia MicrolifeCorporation 9F 431 RuiGangRoad NeiHu Taipei 11492 Taiwan R O C Tel 88628797 1288 Fax 88628797 1283 Emailservice microlife com tw www microlife com North Central SouthAmerica MicrolifeUSA Inc 1617GulftoBayBlvd 2ndFloorSteA Clearwater FL33755 USA Tel 17274425353 Fax 17274425377 Emailmsa microlifeusa com www microlife com ...
