An advanced measurement accuracy is achieved by the auto-
matic analysis of three successive measurements.
The new system provides reliable values for the doctor and can
be used as the basis for reliable diagnostics and medication
therapy for high blood pressure.
A) Why MAM?
Human blood pressure is not stable
Scattering of devices
B) Key
Reduction of:
Device scattering
Insufficient rest prior to measurement
Movement artefacts
Cuff positioning influences
C) Medical
Improved accuracy
Reliable patient self-measurement data for the doctor
Safe hypertension diagnostic
Reliable therapy control
D) Measurement
With the full measurement cycles, the total measurement time
remains less than 4 minutes, compared to a single measure-
ment time of 1.5 minute.
Single results are not displayed.
Due to the „Data Analysis“ result, a 4th measurement may be
IB BP 3BU1-5 VarB 0702.qxd 13.08.2002 8:41 Uhr Seite 11