Microframe Corporation
Series 5100 General Information
When setting up a USB drive, the location of fi les is very important. To install new audio fi les onto
the VoiceBox, place a folder within the root directory of your fl ash drive named “audio” (all lower
case letters with no quotations.) You can put the audio fi les of your choice in this folder. The
audio fi les will need to be named with the corresponding number (00.wav, 01.wav… 99.wav, 100.
wav, 200.wav, and so on.)
The chime audio fi le will be named “chime.wav”.
Hello message audio fi le is named “prenum.wav”.
Thank you message audio fi le is named “aftnum.wav”.
To download the default numbers, go to www.microframecorp.com and click on "Downloads."
These fi les will need to be unzipped and then transferred to your USB device.
By using your USB device, you can easily install your audio fi les in the VoiceBox. Once you have
your audio fi les on your USB device, simply plug in your VoiceBox, then wait for the power light to
fl ash slowly (this could take up to 1 minute.) Once the power light is fl ashing slowly, plug in your
USB device. After a few seconds, the power light should start fl ashing quickly (this indicates the
fi les are being copied.) Once the VoiceBox is done reading the USB device, unplug it (the power
light starts to blink slowly when it is done reading the USB device.) The audio fi les will be on both
the USB device and the VoiceBox. Also the old audio fi les should be compressed and located in
the root directory of the USB device.
VoiceBox Changing Audio Files